Jersey Dairy Farm & Other Farm Animals
Phone: 574-KUM-2105
When you come out and stay with us on the farm be sure to visit our miniature animal farm or Jersey Dairy farm. Enjoy viewing our Haflinger horse herd or wild deer. Gram's mini-farm has all types of animals for you to enjoy viewing.
Jersey Dairy Farm
Seasonal Milking of cows - March to December - Milking done twice a day
Rotational grazing
Kiwi calf feeding - March to June - Feeding twice a day
Haflinger Horse Breeding Farm
Imported from Austria in 1958
Gentle disposition
Small draft size - used for - work, riding, harness
Gram's Mini-Farm
Bantam chickens
Guinea hogs
Miniature horses
Kinder goats
Sicilian donkey
Dwarf rabbits
Guinea Jersey cattle
Pygmy goats
Shetland sheep
Toy collies
Contact Annette for more information: 574-586-2105 or 574-910-2105
"Come to the peace and quiet of our farm"