
Phone: 574-KUM-2105

Rendezvous - Historical Reenactment

For a week end, people live like our ancestors did 150 years ago in canvas lodges-tents, cook over open fires, carry water, chop wood, spin wool into yarn, hammer iron into utensils, dip candles, weave, sew, hunt, play, barter and trade. Events include hawk/knife, muzzle shootin', tea, fashion review, iron skillet/rollin' pin toss, carry-in supper, period music, friendship fire or round robin.

School - Usually a dozen children were taught grades 1-6 in one room. Boys sat on one side and girls on the opposite site. The first book was the Horn book. It listed the alphabet and numbers pyramid.

Blacksmith - The blacksmith was the most important person in town. He made tools, kitchen utensils, hooks, wagon wheel rims and wagon parts. He made horseshoes. His son usually ran the bellows, so the blacksmith was against school. He needed his son.

Cabin - Our cabin was built in 1830 and is much larger than a family of eight would live in. All family possessions were stored inside. This included dried food items, trapping equipment, garden equipment, horse harness, etc. A cabin of the time would not have had windows. The fireplace was used for cooking and heating. Children's trundle was under the parent's bed in daytime.

Garden - People depended on the garden for food, medicines and dyes. Vegetables were dried and stored in the cabin for winter use. There were NO grocery stores, CVS, K-Marts or Wal-marts.

The additional links and information will give you insight into what you can expect and decide for yourself if this would be a restful, stress free time for yourself and/or family. If you would like to update and ease your dairy enterprise contact us at once for a seasonal milking / rotational grazing make over presentation.

hesters image

Contact Annette for more information: 574-586-2105 or 574-910-2105

"Come to the peace and quiet of our farm"